Tuesday, May 2, 2023

7. Which Characters and Virtues do you and your child need to develop?

 Amongst these six areas of development, which one will fit your needs for this season of life? And which one will meet the needs of your child?

  1. Desiring Wisdom
  2. Shaping Courage
  3. Nurturing Humanity
  4. Strengthening Justice
  5. Developing Temperance
  6. Cultivating Transcendence
Below are stories from our fellow parents:

Parent A- We need to "nurture our humanity." As the family grows, we lose patience, kindness and hold grudges. As parents, we must be kinder to ourselves and not push as hard. We need to understand the stress of this generation and their challenges. Try to listen more, accept our own weaknesses, and have self-compassion. Be able to forgive and be loving toward each other.

Parent B- We "desire wisdom." When our child approaches a season of identity formation, they look to their friends for affirmation. They explore their gender, sexual, ethnic, racial, family, religious and spiritual identities rapidly. As parents, we are learning about the complexities of the social context and their own struggles. We need the wisdom to understand, discern and be in dialogue with our children.

Parent C- We need to "develop temperance." The skills to self-regulate our disappointment, frustrations, and anger when things are not going our way are greatly needed. Our children observe us and learn from us. It becomes a family practice when we can take a deep breath, step back, and calm ourselves first. Our actions speak louder than words. We also need to work on humility. Learn and respect the strength of others. Learn not to brag about our own accomplishments and still be able to celebrate and affirm our successes.
Please share your stories in the comment section below, so we can all benefit from your experiences. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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8. Action list

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