Thursday, March 30, 2023

6. Cultivating Transcendence

 Transcendence is an inner quality that may be discovered early on in life or cultivated throughout life. Some call it an awareness of mystery, beauty, and universe. It is a connection to a wider universe and meaning. The following qualities are highly related and express this important character or virtue. 

1. Appreciation of beauty: noticing, enjoying, and savoring the beauty in nature, people, and things around. Slowing down our busy pace of life, take time out to observe, listen, touch, feel, and sense. How do we cultivate appreciation of beauty within ourselves and our children?

2. Gratitude: Connect with words, pictures, and movements in expressing the wonder, joy, and thankfulness of the moment, the experience, and the journey took.What kind of gratitude exercises we practice at home?

3. Hope: Think about positive possibilities and expect something good, and work towards it with perseverance. Where is our source of hope in life? How do we develop such qualities?

4. Humor: Be able to take ourselves less seriously. Accept the absurdities of life and have room to laugh and make others laugh. Humor is also an ability to see ourselves in a healthy, balanced way. Humor is the ability to see the lighter side of suffering and pain and find joy. How often do you laugh? and what kind of funny stories you like to share?

5. Spirituality: Scientist and philosophers consistently defines it as our search for or connection with the "Sacred". The "Sacred" connection may be with God or with a wider life experience than just ourselves. Spirituality may consist of beliefs, values, experiences, purpose, calling, practices of what is good and meaningful. What is your family spirituality rooted in? How do you practice and pass it on to your next generation?

To Do List:

 > Internet searches for teaching inner beauty for girls

> Practice daily gratitude for meals and bedtimes

> Internet searches on the subject of hope for teenagers

> Ask your teens to tell you jokes they hear

> Attend Alpha Youth (Judeo-Christian/Evangelical tradition)

> Read a good book: Late Spring Life Journey Tung Lau

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8. Action list

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